All of us differ from one another. Our appearance, clothes, habits, lifestyle – all this makes us unique. Some people always follow the latest trends, others need that something special to feel comfortable with. It is similar in the perfume industry. As one could say there are two different and separate worlds here. One of them is so-called world commercial fragrances. They are created by global companies in mass numbers and their target is to reach as many customers as possible. In a word, the most important thing here is profit. Commercial perfumes are available in majority of drugstores, chain, stationary and online perfumeries. Their prices fluctuate significantly, depending on the concentration of fragrance oils. The most famous companies spend a lot of money on advertising and marketing actions in order to entice us to make the right choice. There are hundreds of such fragrances, although it often happens that they are confusingly similar to each other. The very creation of commercial compositions is different from the niche composition process. The former are being created according to strictly defined patterns. The fragrance should appeal to as many customers as possible. In spite of the fact, everyone wants to create an unique and distinctive composition, the creators of these compositions have to follow the updated trends in order their masterpiece meets perfectly the market needs.
The niche is becoming more and more popular among customers every year. A few years ago, one could get the impression that it is reserved only for a certain group of people and that niche fragrances are specific and difficult to perceive. Of course, this is a subjective point of view for everyone. For sure these compositions are “different“ but in result they are unique. It cannot be denied, however, that the niche is also changing. It becomes more and more widespread – recently it has even been introduced to chain stores, which seemed to be almost impossible few years ago.
To be called a niche fragrance, it must meet certain criteria. First of all – as the name indicates – niche perfumes are created by companies focused on that only. They are often founded by perfumers’ families or oil creators who pass on their experience and passion from generation to generation. That is why niche perfumes are called compositions created with passion. They are not produced on a mass scale and do not have to follow existing trends. Some creators are keen on having their products hardly available and decide to sell them only in chosen countries in small, family owned perfumeries. Below please find the most important factors defining niche fragrances:
The creators, so-called “noses” preparing niche compositions, cooperate very often in composing commercial perfumes. They are the most appreciated and talented perfumers, who are also pursued by global companies. In their own field however, they play a completely different role. The niche industry does not impose on them any rules that they should obey when creating their masterpieces. There are no limits for them to mix together the most original, sometimes not very popular notes, creating their own special fragrances. The fruit of their work is supposed to be an inspiration, something unique, arising from the artist’s vision. There is absolutely no demand that everyone must adore and like it.
The differences between a commercial and a niche scent can also be found in the concentration of its oils. While the former may also appear in a stronger version, i.e. a perfume, and rather rarely as an extract, it has been assumed that niche perfumes actually “begin” with eau de parfum, often in similar concentration or even higher comparing to commercial perfume. Within a niche you won’t find neither toilet water nor cologne. Their concentration is so low that it would not be appreciated by a recipient who cares about fragrance durability and its performance.
There are several factors influencing whether a fragrance will last and be perceptible for long. Apart the percentage of fragrance oils used in its production, also maceration process and alcohol quality, where the given oils are dissolved in, have a significant impact. We should also remember that the scent will retain and develop differently on each kind of skin, depending whether it is dry, mixed or oily one and what its pH is.
Not only the availability of niche perfumes in drugstores and niche perfumeries proves they are unique. The fragrances themselves are often made of ingredients obtained from the most distance and inaccessible places of the world, they are extracted in limited amounts, which is tightly associated with their high price. There are also various methods of obtaining oils and fragrance essences, i.e. extraction. Some of them are time-consuming and very expensive. We will write about it in one of the next blogs.
To sum up, it cannot be said that commercial fragrances are bad while niche ones are good. It always depends on what we are looking for. There are many iconic and unique compositions created for world-famous brands that have very good reviews and also appreciated by fans of niche perfumes. Nevertheless, niche perfumes will be distinguished by: the quality of oils, their origin, unique composition and durability, which will result in a higher – but reasonable – price of the product.
KINETIC PERFUMES BARCELONA is a luxury, niche perfume brand created with an ambition to transfer inspirations, memories and emotions into scent that becomes a part of us every single day, the perfume we choose to wear. The concept was inspired by kinetics in its multidimensional sense.
Discover our signature scents. This fragrance set contains 6 vials (2ml) packed in a luxurious box, making it the perfect travel companion or a wonderful gift.